Story Sparks

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Story Sparks Book

Over 1,000 plot combinations to ignite your creative bedtime storytelling! 

Story Sparks makes it easy to tell creative impromptu bedtime stories that are fun and engaging.

Turn the pages to create your own unique combination of Characters, Settings and Scenarios. 

Spark Your Imagination

This first-of-its-kind interactive flip book allows you to create unique bedtime stories with over 1,000 plot combinations to spark your creative bedtime story telling.

From stories about pirates at a playground who throws a party, to a talking fire truck in outer space who gets lost, the prompts will provide plenty of fun and entertaining bedtime stories every night.

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How It Works

Turn the pages to create your own unique combination of Character, Location and Scenario.

In the below example, you can start a story about a pirate at a playground who is lost.
The book includes prompts that can help you if you get stuck.


Interesting and entertaining characters like this laughing pirate will take you on a great adventure


Locations like this park are familiar and relatable, making the perfect place to start a story


Fun scenarios like getting lost, will provide interesting plot lines to start your bedtime story

Try It Out

Click and drag to swipe between a combination of Characters + Locations + Scenarios to see what fabulous story you can come up with


It's brilliant. This fabulous, creative book will be such a help for enthusiastic and often weary parents for when their little ones ask "tell me a story." It's full of engaging prompts to get started as well as more ideas to weave a unique, engaging special story. I so wish this book had been around when my lads were little."
Wildly good fun! It turns storytime into something active and keeps you on your toes.


Three key Components in every Bedtime Story

Three key Components in every Bedtime Story

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Involve your child in Bedtime storytelling

Involve your child in Bedtime storytelling

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Use your voice effectively in bedtime storytelling

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