Creating your own bedtime stories together is a fun and scientifically proven way to deepen bonds!Using Story Spark's bedtime storytelling formula will help children:
- Increase language skills
- Understand complex thoughts
- Think symbolically & metaphorically
Involving children in choosing the direction of the story is not only fun but also a source of connection with you. Studies show that storytelling and story reading are complementary in improving language development and comprehension. Storytelling provides a conceptual framework for thinking which means children are able to shape experiences into a form that they can understand, developing the ability to think symbolically and metaphorically. Children who actively participate in storytelling are more engaging, maintain more eye contact, and practise active listening skills, leading to improved concentration and recall.
1. Mokhtar NH, Halim MF, Kamarulzaman SZ. The Effectiveness of Storytelling in Enhancing Communicative Skills. Procedia - Social and Behav Sci. 2011;18:163-9.
2. Isbell R, Sobol J, Lindauer L, & Lowrance A. The effects of storytelling and story reading on the oral language complexity and story comprehension of young children. Early Childhood Education Journal. 2004;32(3):157–163.
3. Yabe M, Oshima S, Eifuku S, et al. Effects of storytelling on the childhood brain: near-infrared spectroscopic comparison with the effects of picture-book reading. Fukushima J Med Sci. 2018;64(3):125-132. doi:10.5387/fms.2018-11
Three key Components in every Bedtime Story
How to tell a bedtime story with the Story Sparks book